The magical Munroe Island
December 2022

Looking for an idyllic and serene setting to spend some quality time?…There is no better place than Munroe island or Mundrothuruthu (മൺറോതുരുത്ത് / മൺട്രോത്തുരുത്ത് ) near Kollam to enjoy Kerala’s splendid water world while breathing in the cool breeze and breaking free from the mundanity of city life.

Located at the confluence of Ashtamudi Lake and the Kallada River, this group of eight small islets harbour lush mangrove vegetation that provide a unique habitat for water birds, fishes and an abundance of aqautic life. Covering an area of just 13.4 sqkm, Mundrothuruthu is one of the smallest panchayats in Kerala and home to around 18000 people.

The mainstay of livelihoods are agriculture and aquaculture. Coir making also has been a traditional occupation. A boat ride around the islands through the backwaters, canals and Kallada river opens up a colurful vista of laid back village life.

Dotted with paddy, fish and prawn farms, this waterscape offers the discerning visitor an opportunity to spot a variety of aquatic fauna and flora. Tourism increasingly has become a supplementary means for income for local people.

The place is also famous for Kallada Boat Race held during Onam. The uninhabited islands here teaming with rich bird life are a delight for birdwatchers.

Why the name?

Col. Munroe who served as Diwan of the States of Travancore and Cochin between 1810 and 1819 dug a canal across Mudhiraparambu in East Kallada to solve the issue of frequent flooding in Kallada region. This area eventually got separated from the mainland forming the island. To commemorate this, the island was named “Munroe Island”. Col. Munroe’s administrative building still stands here as a magnificent reminder of the island’s rich historical legacy.

Major attractions

  • Boat ride and canoeing. Non-motorised country boats are available at 500 INR for one hour.
  • Mangroves
  • Local fish delicacies
  • Aquaculture farms
  • Home stays
  • Bird watching

Best time to visit

Year round. However, November- February is the best period because of pleasant weather.

How to reach there?

Nearest major railway station:  Kollam Junction Railway Station (QLN)

Local railway station nearby : Mundrothuruthu Railway Station (MQO), with limited railway connectivity.

Nearest airport: Trivandrum International Airport, about 84 km.

For local assistance: Mr. Kunjumon, Phone: 8129057400

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